Thursday, October 13, 2016

My Thoughts On Early Marriage

My Thoughts On Early Marriage

     Marriage is relationship between husband and wife . They have to live together until the last breathe. Marriage is like an agreement between two of people that falling in love,want to build family and have a child to continue their generation . Nowadays , marriage is like a trend that people want to follow . Many people want to get early marriage especially for those who had boyfriend or girlfriend . For me , as a teenager and student , my thoughts on early marriage is bring many difficulties on a person such as pregnancy , gives many pressure and commitment . We have to share all our life for him or her . 
     Basically , early marriage because of pregnancy . Families are afraid that if their daughter ends up pregnant before marriage. For me , if we have a relationship with someone , we have to behave and take care of our dignity . Do not gives all your life for a man before marriage . We have to achieve our goals first . Try to get a new house , new car and gives happiness to family first . After that you can think about marriage . Do not ruin your life if you not ready to married . We also have to protect our self from sexual activity which causes to end up pregnant . Our mind is not matured anymore to handle many problems in marriage . This will causes divorce at early age .
     Early marriage also gives many pressure . This is because , we cannot settled problem between husband and wife like an adult people . As a wife , we have to do household works like cooking , washing cloth and cleaning up house . It is very difficult to do if we are student , we have to divide our time for husband and study . It will give us some pressure if cannot manage time properly . Study also will effects if we did not making an assignment and failed in exams . 
      Next , as a husband and wife we are committed each other . In early age of marriage , we have to think about commitment . We need to take care of his or her heart . We cannot simply judge that our mate understand that we have to finish an assignment . We still have to finish our household working. Besides, we also have to inform to our husband or wife that we coming back late. We have to report all of our activities everyday . For me , we as a teenager are not ready for all this things because it will cause fight and misunderstanding between each other . 
    As a conclusion , for me as a teenager and student , my thoughts on early marriage is bring many difficulties on a person such as commitment , gives many pressure and pregnancy. Enjoy our life as a teenager first , no need to think about marriage because Allah will gives us the time for married . Catch your dream first and be a rich person and your parent will support you to get married . 

Nur Amanda bt Adek Putera